Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A new champion awaits! Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover

Riot has announced it's newest coming hero, Caitlyn.

Officials from Piltover would like me to issue a statement to all of you. It is my duty to inform you that there is a new sheriff in town. The beautiful (and stylish) Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover, has arrived at the League of Legends, so bandits, ruffians, rabble-rousers, and otherwise uncouth persons beware! Of course, even if you’re on the run, one look at her and you might not want to escape anymore. Of course, you don’t need to have a warrant out for your arrest to get a closer look at this pretty lady. Whether you’re an outlaw type or someone who plays by the rules, I’ve got the publicity shots for you right here!" -ByronicHero

Overall it looks like a sniper hero awaits us! So very excited!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Calculation of Armor/Magic Penetration

"(first) Reduction -> (second) Flat Penetration -> (third) Percentage Penetration
Reduction effects like Starks Ferver, Abyssal Scepter, Corki's Gatling Gun, Nidalee's Traps, Taric's Shatter, Fiddlestick's Dread, and Amumu's passive, etc, are applied first. They all reduce the enemy's armor/magic resist by a certain flat value.
Flat Penetration like Runes, Brutalizer/Ghostblade, Sorcerer's Boots, Haunting Guise, Olaf's Ragnarok, Kassadin's Nether Blade, etc are applied second (and in addition are the only penetration effects to be applied to towers (reduction/percentage do not work on towers). They penetrate a flat amount of the target's armor or magic resist.
Last to apply to an enemy are Percentage Penetration effects. There are only two of these in the game: Last Whisper (40% Armor Penetration) and Void Staff (40% Magic Penetration)... though there is a 15% Magic Pen mastery. These apply last and are therefore only worthwhile against very high-armor or magic resist targets. If you are trying to kill squishies, go for the Starks+Ghostblade+Rune Penetration route.
An example:
A Twitch has 73 armor. First reduction effects a la Starks Ferver apply. The rat now has 53 armor. From Runes+Masteries you can get 31 armor penetration. Say you have a Ghostblade as well, thats another 20. So as a target for your damage, Twitch has effectively 2 Armor remaining. Vs a squishy getting that percentage item isn't worthwhile if you're stacking other penetration items, but if your original target had something more like 200+ armor, Last Whisper's 40% is now taking away 80 effective armor from your target (with no other armor pen effects; with others it will be less effective but still worthwhile).
Magic Penetration works the same way."

Thus, all of you getting Last Whisper against a team of no tanks, or a team that is not stacking armor is generally a bad idea, seeing how it's efficiency would be minimal. Instead of doing the usual Infinity Edge to Last Whisper build that everyone seems to do, you should build more damage or flat armor penetration items such as brutalizer, or even go tankier and get veil or ga.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Quick Guide to Counterpicking

The format will be this:
(if the enemy team has this) -> (you should consider picking this champion/item/summoner spell)
  • Physical damage / auto attackers -> Rammus, Malphite, Jax, Teemo, Thornmail, Ninja Tabi, exhaust
  • Stuns -> Banshees Veil, Quicksilver Sash, Mercury Treads, cleanse, Mundo, Morgana, Trundle, Olaf
  • Magic damage -> Galio, Banshees Veil, Quicksilver Sash, Force of Nature, Mercury Treads
  • AoE -> Janna, Gragas, more AoE champs, damage resistant champs, STUNS/SILENCES for the initiator
  • Burst damage -> Poppy, Banshees Veil, Hexdrinker, high health champions, better positioning
  • Healers/lifesteal -> ignite, exhaust, Executioner's Calling, Katarina, Gangplank, Miss Fortune, Tristana
  • Invisibility -> Vision Wards, Oracles, TF, Nidalee
  • Gankers -> Teemo, Sight Wards, global ults (SHEN, ASHE, PANTHEON, Twisted Fate, Gangplank)
  • Tanky Team -> Kog'maw, Madreds Bloodrazor, Deathfire Grasp, Corki, Poppy, Xin'Zhao, Malzahar, Amumu
  • Channeled spells -> any stun, silence, fear, knock up/back, or suppression
  • Harass heavy-> all types of healers ( taric, sona etc )
  • Glass Cannon Carry-> assassins (Kassadin, Akali, Poppy, Shaco)
from: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ekpox/alright_i_havent_seen_one_of_these_around_and_id/

Hopefully this guide will help a few of you out there!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

If you missed the stream!

This is the link to the Ionia vs. Noxus game, enjoy! :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

As Expected

As I have predicted, Ionia has won thus far. Although, as I previously thought that there would be a 10v10 matchup, it was only a 5v5 standard matchup played through Riot Gaming employee's and top players. I'm very excited to watch the next games, stream is here: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ionianoxus2010

HoN bashes gays now?

With Heroes of Newerth's new 'voice announcer' pack, otherwise known as the 'flamboyant pack' the announcer's voice is swapped with a feminine male voice that has a lisp saying things such as 'cherry popper' instead of blood lust, and 'its a three way' instead of triple kill. I think that it's pretty funny, but it's a total misfire and should not have been added to the game. It's a complete reputation destroyer.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ionia Vs Noxus being Streamed @ 9PM EST

I'm quite excited to see who's playing on what team, summoner wise. Yet, by looking at the roster for this epic battle, I'd have to say that Ionia has this one easily, champion-wise of course. Seeing as how, the meta-game of League of Legends is AoE, Ionia will conquer with Amumu's ultimate stacked with Shen taunt, Ashe arrow, Kennen ultimate, Udyr most likely locking down MF or Kog'maw, while being healed by Soraka is just a stomp by all means. Although, Noxus has better lanes, better solos and a strong early game. Seeing also how it is 10v10 I'll be interested on seeing how strong the early game changes.

Champ Rotation Week 22

Karthus, Malphite, Master Yi, Morgana, Singed, Taric, Tristana, Ezreal, Kennen, Urgot

Prominence - New type of game

This is a new type of game, it's a sort of 'figure out what has happened' kind of game. It's very interesting and it's a new concept. Coming out in 2011, this game looks like it could be compared to Dead Space 2, or the movie Pandorum.

World of Warcraft Cataclysm

From what I've heard overall about the game, there are many bugs. As per usual, I somewhat expected this because WoW beta testers in my opinion do not post every bug that they find. Although, even with the large amount of bugs, it does look like a fun game, I'd recommend it to all of you MMORPG players out there. The new expansion brings new bosses and an entire change of the world map. Leveling your characters is not the same as it was before in Vanilla/BC/WotLK, because it has a total different scheme and layout for the map. I encourage old WoW players to play to see all of the changes, although I will not be returning to WoW.

Why are there so many Evelynn haters?

Evelynn may not be very viable lategame, but if you really think about it, she is the perfect early game ganker. Her abilty to stun, be invisible, lower armor/mr, and do steady DPS due to her hate spike is the perfect combination of spells for an early game ganker. Let's face the facts, people are always out of position, Eve, Shaco, and Twitch are some of the only people who can tank complete advantage of this without the person seeing it coming. Eve seems viable to me. SorakaBot of EU server, just recently got to the #1 slot in Solo Ranked, with his most played hero being Eveylnn. Next time you see an Evelynn, don't laugh, be afraid, and be careful.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Possible Fix for AoE Meta Game?

The only fix I could possibly see in League of Legends to change the AoE Meta game is a tankier hero meta game. If flash is removed as it probably will, most carries will be put down, making AoE heroes shine If AoE meta game is removed, the only possible thing that could come from it is  heroes such as Dr. Mundo and Mordekaiser just 1v5ing entire teams due to their amount of health and damage output.

League of Legends Streams

Some of the most popular streams of League of Legends are listed below.

If you want to watch any streams or actually stream for others to watch you play, I'd suggest going onto
for all of your streaming necessities. There are many different games streamed on this website, but it is mostly Blizzard's Starcraft 2, or Riot Gaming's League of Legends.

Marc Merill on Heroes of Newerth (Dota genre rival), a secret LoL project and thoughts on innovation in the Dota genre

"One of the reasons we're being a bit more secretive than previously about all of the cool things we're working on is because we don't want to tip our hand to our competitors who have demonstrated a clear willingness to emulate things that we are doing.
We will always be the innovators in this genre and the things that we are working on will not disappoint.
Have some faith guys, we do read the forums, we do play the hell out of our game and we do want to do a better job of delivering awesome new features to you all - we just also really want to get them right and want to only provide more detail "right before" they are ready for release so the other companies have less time to react.
It's a bummer that we have to do that, since we love being totally open, transparent and sharing ideas, but it's the reality of the situation we're in.
That being said, I'm confident that you guys won't be disappointed and that LOL will remain in the leadership position in the genre for a long time to come."
context: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=4526388#post4526388

Dead Space 2

In an interview, not so long ago, EA says that "Single-Player gaming is Finished." I'd have to say I completely agree with this statement. With EA's new-coming game 'Dead Space 2,' which was originally supposed to be a single player game much like it's predecessor, 'Dead Space', now has a multiplayer mode in the mix. Dead Space 2 multiplayer, in my opinion looks much like the Left For Dead 2 multiplayer. One team is of human's, whilst the other is of the 'zombies'. For you L4D2 fans out there, you'll surely enjoy this game.

League of Legends - The Removal of Flash (and the upcoming patch)

Riot Gaming claims that they are trying to get out of the area of effect(AoE) meta game of League of Legends, yet in this new patch they create a hero that has three AoE spells, in case spamming of the spells are encouraged due to her passive. In my personal opinion, this will be a very overpowered hero due to his ability to crowd control. From the look of it, there is no ultimate to this hero, but in place a very well spammable fang that does crazy damage. With the next patch getting rid of the every so popular flash summoner spell, this will be a very strong hero along with any other hero that relies on projectiles to get their damage in, such as Veigar or Kassadin. With the removal of flash, I foresee a stronger AoE meta game, a tankier meta game, and a lot of reliance on support heroes such as Sona and Janna to help carries.

League of Legends - Cassiopeia, the Serpent's Embrace


Deadly Cadence - After casting a spell any subsequent spellcasts will cost 10% less for 5 seconds. This ability stacks up to 5 times.


Miasma: Cassiopeia releases a growing cloud of poison that lasts for 7 seconds. Any enemy that passes through it is poisoned, dealing magic damage each second and slowing them by X. Continual exposure renews this poison.

Noxious Blast: Cassiopeia blasts an area with a delayed high damaging poison, dealing X magic damage over 3 seconds and granting her Y Movement Speed for 2 seconds if she hits a champion.

Petrifying Gaze: Cassiopeia deals X magic damage to all enemies in front of her. Enemies facing her are stunned for 2 seconds while enemies facing away are slowed by Y.

Twin Fang: Cassiopeia deals X magic damage to her target. If the target is poisoned then Twin Fang's cooldown is reduced to .5 seconds.