Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Marc Merill on Heroes of Newerth (Dota genre rival), a secret LoL project and thoughts on innovation in the Dota genre

"One of the reasons we're being a bit more secretive than previously about all of the cool things we're working on is because we don't want to tip our hand to our competitors who have demonstrated a clear willingness to emulate things that we are doing.
We will always be the innovators in this genre and the things that we are working on will not disappoint.
Have some faith guys, we do read the forums, we do play the hell out of our game and we do want to do a better job of delivering awesome new features to you all - we just also really want to get them right and want to only provide more detail "right before" they are ready for release so the other companies have less time to react.
It's a bummer that we have to do that, since we love being totally open, transparent and sharing ideas, but it's the reality of the situation we're in.
That being said, I'm confident that you guys won't be disappointed and that LOL will remain in the leadership position in the genre for a long time to come."

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