Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ionia Vs Noxus being Streamed @ 9PM EST

I'm quite excited to see who's playing on what team, summoner wise. Yet, by looking at the roster for this epic battle, I'd have to say that Ionia has this one easily, champion-wise of course. Seeing as how, the meta-game of League of Legends is AoE, Ionia will conquer with Amumu's ultimate stacked with Shen taunt, Ashe arrow, Kennen ultimate, Udyr most likely locking down MF or Kog'maw, while being healed by Soraka is just a stomp by all means. Although, Noxus has better lanes, better solos and a strong early game. Seeing also how it is 10v10 I'll be interested on seeing how strong the early game changes.

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